Bersyukur atau berterima kasih kepada Tuhan atas segala karunia-Nya merupakan keutamaan manusia beriman. Sebaliknya Menghina diri sendiri melahirkan laknat dan kualat, sebab kita juga menghina Hal yang telah diciptakan Tuhan dengan sebaik2nya. Tuhan menciptakan manusia untuk tujuan tertentu. Dan kita termasuk orang-orang yang dipilih Tuhan itu. Tuhan telah mengangkat dan mengkaruniakan kita kelahiran yang terhormat, kelahiran yang bermartabat, maka jangan rendahkan diri kita dengan menyamakan diri kita dengan mahluk rendah, binatang, mahluk zinah, sundal, jarah, mencuri, melata.
“Orang-orang kafir dari Ahli Kitab dan orang-orang musyrik tiada menginginkan diturunkannya sesuatu kebaikan kepadamu dari Tuhanmu. Dan Allah menentukan siapa yang dikehendaki-Nya (untuk diberi) rahmat-Nya (kenabian); dan Allah mempunyai karunia yang besar.” (Al baqarah: 105)

The lifeless body of fifteen-year-old Fabienne Cherisma lies on the roof of a fallen building in downtown Port-au-Prince on January 19, 2010. Photo by Lucas Oleniuk / Toronto Star
Canadian photographer Lucas Oleniuk has been awarded a National Newspaper Award in Canada for his image of Fabienne Cherisma dead on a Port-au-Prince roof-top, one week after the Haiti Earthquake.Eight weeks ago Paul Hansen won a national award in his home country of Sweden. In March, I wrote about Hansen’s and other photographers’ awards for coverage of Fabienne’s death – Brouhaha in Sweden following Award to Paul Hansen for his Image of Fabienne Cherisma.
That’s now five photographers recognised for their images made within the space of an hour on a Tuesday afternoon.

Photo: Nathan Weber
Haiti looting horror: Girl shot dead by police for taking paintings
Pictures of teenager show her slumped face down over one of the paintings

15-year-old lies dead after being shot in the head in Port-au-Prince. Photograph: Carlos Garcia Rawlins/Reuters
The horrifying aftermath of Haiti's earthquake has claimed another victim in the form of a 15-year-old girl, an apparent looter, shot dead by police.
Fabienne Cherisma was killed with a bullet to the head after taking paintings from a wrecked shop in downtown Port-au-Prince on Tuesday.
Pictures of the teenager show her slumped face down over one of the paintings and a trail of blood seeping from the wound. Witnesses said it was unclear if she was deliberately targeted or accidentally hit while police fired in the air to disperse a crowd which was carrying goods from Rue Grand Rice.
A conflicting account gave her name as Fabienne Geismar and said she was killed in Rue Marthely Seiee.
Police armed with rifles shot over the heads of the people and kicked a man, part of a delayed effort to regain control of a capital which has been lawless – but largely calm – since the 12 January earthquake.
The crowd was carrying grime-covered chairs while Fabienne, who was on a roof, clutched paintings, including one of two flowers in a vase.
Photographs show her father Osam finding her body, then lifting it into a cart. Fabienne's mother, Armante, is shown weeping and close to collapse. Osam told AFP news agency that police intentionally shot his daughter. Police were not available for comment.
In a separate incident a mob lynched an alleged looter. In some parts of the city the practice goes without sanction. Scavengers mine the ruins of a supermarket in Petionville without comment from passersby.
Police were criticised for their absence from the streets in the first few days after the quake, compounding a sense that the Haitian state had ceased to function. Since Monday they have become more visible. UN peacekeepers and US troops have also materialised but have largely left looting control to local police.
Given the scale of devastation and lack of basic supplies many observers say looting and insecurity could have been worse, and that isolated cases had been magnified by the media.
Truckers with aid supplies coming from the neighbouring Dominican Republic have expressed fears of ambush, and discussed the need to arm themselves.
"The Haitian police, due to their own significant losses, are degraded," said Kenneth Merten, the US ambassador. "This is not a perfect law-and-order situation here, even in the best of times. We're concerned about it and we're monitoring it closely, but I don't think it's anything that's unmanageable."
Fabienne Cherisma was killed with a bullet to the head after taking paintings from a wrecked shop in downtown Port-au-Prince on Tuesday.
Pictures of the teenager show her slumped face down over one of the paintings and a trail of blood seeping from the wound. Witnesses said it was unclear if she was deliberately targeted or accidentally hit while police fired in the air to disperse a crowd which was carrying goods from Rue Grand Rice.
A conflicting account gave her name as Fabienne Geismar and said she was killed in Rue Marthely Seiee.
Police armed with rifles shot over the heads of the people and kicked a man, part of a delayed effort to regain control of a capital which has been lawless – but largely calm – since the 12 January earthquake.
The crowd was carrying grime-covered chairs while Fabienne, who was on a roof, clutched paintings, including one of two flowers in a vase.
Photographs show her father Osam finding her body, then lifting it into a cart. Fabienne's mother, Armante, is shown weeping and close to collapse. Osam told AFP news agency that police intentionally shot his daughter. Police were not available for comment.
In a separate incident a mob lynched an alleged looter. In some parts of the city the practice goes without sanction. Scavengers mine the ruins of a supermarket in Petionville without comment from passersby.
Police were criticised for their absence from the streets in the first few days after the quake, compounding a sense that the Haitian state had ceased to function. Since Monday they have become more visible. UN peacekeepers and US troops have also materialised but have largely left looting control to local police.
Given the scale of devastation and lack of basic supplies many observers say looting and insecurity could have been worse, and that isolated cases had been magnified by the media.
Truckers with aid supplies coming from the neighbouring Dominican Republic have expressed fears of ambush, and discussed the need to arm themselves.
"The Haitian police, due to their own significant losses, are degraded," said Kenneth Merten, the US ambassador. "This is not a perfect law-and-order situation here, even in the best of times. We're concerned about it and we're monitoring it closely, but I don't think it's anything that's unmanageable."
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